Devlog #4: Menu, Camera fixes, Endless Level & dying

Devlog #4: Menu, Camera fixes, Endless Level & dying

During this session a diminished team set their minds to right past wrongs. The player has been gifted the sweet release of death given that they crash into enough barriers. They also no longer wander an empty void. The second upgrade is an endless level that simply rotates three sections. After they are out of frame they shift past the last one ahead of the player and the player will run out of patience before they see the last of said identical arrangements. Kinda like a really cheap and old cartoon that recycles backgrounds, but it serves for now. The Camera now stays behind the player and has given up custody of the walls restraining lateral movement to a more suitable parental figure, the level itself. A menu has been implemented and now players can delve deep into the lore of The Seven Roadblocks that plague the early road. Who put them there? Are they cement or concrete? Stay tuned to find out.


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